Kaleb and I had a great weekend together passing the time until Kenny gets back home.
We ate a lot of food
Kaleb discovered his love of baby bell peppers
We took some nice jogs
The jogs included plenty of stops to check out wildlife
Kaleb got to learn "Car-ate" at the Disney store...Disney's pun not mine
There was some swimming
After a fun filled weekend Monday was here and it was time to take the little guy to college.
He was so excited to go to a real college and take class.
The local community college is offering College for Kids this summer and they have so many cute classes.
Kaleb is particularly found of "Encounters of the Wild Kind"
Now it's time to finish up the work week.
Kenny gets home tonight and the work week will be half way over!
Also on the agenda this week:
Get used to this heat! I went jogging yesterday afternoon and about died!
The morning jogs are much more enjoyable but when Kenny is OOT they are not an option so I'll have to get used to the 95+ degree temps quickly.
Anyone with some good hot weather running tips send them my way!
I hope everyone has a great week!