Well it has been a very busy month at the Stone Household

As our first Holiday season as a settled family we took advantage and filled all possible moments of freedom with lots of seasonal activities.
My parents hosted a Christmas party the weekend before Christmas which was a lot of fun and left us with a Hot Cocoa set and a bottle of wine courtesy of Dirty Santa.
Mostly I ate which as been a reoccurring theme this Holiday season.
My waist line will appreciate the New Year and lack of celebrations.
Christmas was great. Kaleb had a blast and it's always nice to see Christmas through a child's eyes.
As expected he got more than any child needs (and our space accomadates) but he got some really neat stuff.
Christmas night we hosted a small get together to have a Dirty Santa game of our own.
Booze only.
It was a lot of fun and it's not often you can unwrap a pony keg.
We were very happy to see our friend's; particularly Ajay who we only get to see about once a year.
It was a nice relaxing night and a perfect way to end Christmas.
Of course 3 day's after Christmas we have Mr. Stones birthday. The Big 28.
It was a pretty low key affair that took up 4 days. He likes to stretch these birthday celebrations out :)
Thanks to everyone who came out to Fox and Hound to celebrate with us!
Kenny had a great time with his boy's.
Kudos to Erin who is being a trooper during her pregnancy and hanging out with the drunk boys!
On his actual Birthday Sunday we went to a great Sushi restaurant. Seeing several bratty children there made us appreciate Kaleb all the more. Sometimes his high energy can be stressful but seeing children who truly misbehave in public puts everything in perspective.
To end Kenny's Birthday celebrations his mom to took us to Copeland's for dinner. The food was fantastic and it was good to spend time with her and John.
As much fun as the Holiday's have been I am ready for the New Year.
We have many exciting things to look forward to in 2009 starting with the birth of our first niece in January!
We couldn't be more excited for Jason & Shelley and can't wait to meet Carson!
Happy New Year's everyone!