Thursday, July 28, 2011

Bye Bye July

How in the world is July almost over?
It has been a super fun super busy month.

Kenny is still playing roughneck.
It sucks but he makes manual labor look pretty good.
I spent a relaxing weekend in Houston visiting Lauren.
We drank, and ate, and swam, and drank and ate some more.
I got to meet her boyfriend and stepdog.
It's always nice to get out of town and see one of my favorite girls!

Just as great the next weekend my other favorite out of state girl was in Tulsa!
Since she's moved to South Carolina we're lucky to see each other once a year so it's always very exciting when she comes home for a visit.
Kaleb loves Casey!

He also loves baseball right now!
Since watching Sandlot he has become obsessed with my least favorite sport.
Regardless we braved the heat and took him to see a Drillers game.
We all had a blast and are so impressed with the stadium downtown.

Well that's my highlights of July.
I hope everyone else is enjoying their summer!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Summer so far

The summer is flying by so far.
Here are some picture highlights

Belgian Waffles & Crepes at Mod's
This place was awesome!
If your in Tulsa you should check it out.
Trips to Whole Foods
We of course cannot leave without Kaleb getting a treat from the bakery.
Speaking of Whole Foods I am loving this video. Even in Tulsa this is pretty accurate.

Father's Day and Dad's Birthday
We got Dad a new GPS
Mom made a watermelon basket
Kaleb has been building at Lowe's
We celebrated Karen's Birthday!
We had a wonderful dinner at Keo and dessert at Cosmos.
Kaleb went to Vacation Bible School.
He had a blast and learned so much!
Kaleb's love of sno cones continues to grow
We watched fireworks with the Hick's and Michael
Firework 5K!
Terri,Shelley, and I took an early morning run downtown
It's been a great summer so far now it's time to wrap this week up before a girls weekend in Houston!

I hope everyone else is having a fun safe summer!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Working for the weekend

Kaleb and I had a great weekend together passing the time until Kenny gets back home.

We ate a lot of food

Kaleb discovered his love of baby bell peppers

We took some nice jogs

The jogs included plenty of stops to check out wildlife

Kaleb got to learn "Car-ate" at the Disney store...Disney's pun not mine

There was some swimming

After a fun filled weekend Monday was here and it was time to take the little guy to college.

He was so excited to go to a real college and take class.

The local community college is offering College for Kids this summer and they have so many cute classes.

Kaleb is particularly found of "Encounters of the Wild Kind"

Now it's time to finish up the work week.

Kenny gets home tonight and the work week will be half way over!

Also on the agenda this week:

Get used to this heat! I went jogging yesterday afternoon and about died!

The morning jogs are much more enjoyable but when Kenny is OOT they are not an option so I'll have to get used to the 95+ degree temps quickly.

Anyone with some good hot weather running tips send them my way!

I hope everyone has a great week!

Friday, June 3, 2011

All by myself, Don't want to be all by myself anymore

Ok, so technically I wasn't really all by myself but that's a really good song so...
With Kenny playing roughneck and Kaleb at Grandma & Papa's Terri decided to keep me company.
I arrived at her place were I was treated with dinner.
Yummy tacos and salad.
We split a bottle of this stuff (my favorite)

And checked out this flick.
Neither of us were a fan of this movie but we now feel we know Ms. Hathaway very well.
(I mean seriously; I would have been a work out fiend if I had to be naked that much in a movie)
We both wished they would have focused on the pharmaceutical industry a little more instead of jumping all over the place but I guess that's what documentaries are for.
After that I returned home all by my lonesome.
Since I can't entertain myself I was asleep early which was good so I could get in an early run.
Holy hell humidity. Even early in the morning I was sweating before I started.
After a really hot run it was time to head home and spend 30 air conditioned minutes with the
"Israeli Stud Muffin"
So Gilad is cheesy but he is always my fall back form of exercise.
(Really this dude is 56?!)
After some fuel (Amanda you will love these someday) it's time to clean and wait for Kaleb to come home. Maybe a day at the pool is in order.
I hope everyone has a fun weekend ahead of them!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

New Obsession

Almost every morning I have the same breakfast.
Spinach smoothie, eggs, and Ezekiel toast.
Any thing else usually leaves me hungry an hour later.
That is until I found a recipe for protein powder pancakes.
Kaleb could eat pancakes for every meal so I though I would try these out to see if we could enjoy some pancakes together.

Cooking up some blueberry deliciuosness
Topping them with my other(pricey) obsession. Seriously I didn't know what I missing until I splurged on this stuff.
They are delicious!
Now I have something new to eat with my spinach smoothie.
Kaleb eats about 5 so I think he approves of the new pancakes...still working on getting him to drink spinach though. Someday
Now off to enjoy the long weekend.
We checked out the Hangover last night and the rest of the weekend will be spent with family.
Hope you all enjoy your Memorial Day weekend!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Terri's Last Fling

Over the weekend we celebrated Terri's imepending wedding with her last night out as a single lady.
Some ladies( and a couple of gentleman ) started the night out at my place with a lingerie shower.

For the favors I painted each girl ( and Jason ) a wine glass with their initial

She opened some pretty gifts while we sipped some pretty drinks.

Getting ready for champagne After presents it was time to see how well Terri knows Erick. The questions were basic but things you might not really know about those close to you.
Dream car, first job, etc.
For every wrong answer she had to take a jello shot. For every correct answer she had to give a jello shot.
They got a little melty but these are strawberry jello shots in a strawberry.

Terri's Pimp Cup

After the shower it was time to head to the club.
Getting ready to head out
Terri's friend Katye was able to get us a VIP at Club Pink.
Soon we were there and getting our dance on.

Highlights of the club that went undocumented.
Smelly Napolean Dynamite guy. Seriously he pulled out his pocket comb on the dance floor.
Projectile vomit from the girl dancing on a pole into the crowd.
This disgusting scene led to a fight in the crowd.

You couldn't ask for better entertainment.
I had a great time on my last night out with my single Terri!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Teacher's Appreciation Week!

Teacher's Appreciation Week was a great and busy one this year!
The class gave small gifts to Mrs. Adams and their specialty teachers each day.

Monday-S'more packs
Tuesday-Water Bottles with tea mix
Wednesday-Peanut Trail Mix
Thursday-M&M Popcorn
Friday-Cake Pops
I found those cool tags on the Domesticated Lady.
Love the internet help during this busy week!

Her main gift from the class was an awesome framed image using scriptures to spell her name.
Our other home room mom found it and I wish I had a photo of it because they are so cool.

While watching the class Thursday for her extended lunch I had the kids write their name on one side of a paper star and their dream job on the other.
I put all these "dreams" into a jar and attached a Panera gift card to it.
It was so cute and it will be neat to see which kids go on to do those jobs!

The year is wrapping up and it was so great to do these small tokens of appreciation for these great teachers!

Also cool this week; Kaleb got first place in his class for the Jog A Thon.
So proud of our little runner!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Easter...mostly a pictures post

Easter this year was pretty standard.

There was the decorating of Easter eggs.
Never buy the kits with the tattoos for your eggs. They do not work and your child will be disappointed that you are left with plain Easter eggs.
There was an Easter bunny visit
Somehow we have a tradition of leaving a banana for his toy monkeys.
I'm not sure how this started but he expects it every year.
Indiana Jr. was born
There was 8 AM Mass
All dressed up but he did not want to give up that Indy gear
There was a visit with Kenny's family.
Karen made a great meal and Jon & Karen had lots of treats for Kaleb.
There was a visit with my family-More yummy food and more toys for Kaleb

Terri & Megan
Stephanie loves having her picture taken
Then there was an exhausted Stone family

I hope everyone else had a great Easter filled with family!