Friday, May 7, 2010

Teacher Appreciation Week

This week was Teacher's Appreciation Week at Kaleb's school and it was a great opportunity to show Kaleb's teacher how much the students care about her.
It was a fun week where the students got to give small tokens of appreciation to Mrs. Adams.

Mrs. Adams has been a wonderful teacher to all the students and Kenny and I really appreciate how much Kaleb has grown while in her class....and it looks like we'll be looking forward to more growth with her next year!
After some soul searching and lots of talking we have decided to keep Kaleb in kindergarten another year. Even though he is doing fine academically we are worried about him being so much younger than the other students. All though the differences aren't huge at this point we are worried that has he gets older the maturity gap will grow. Even though it was a hard decision we think this growth year will be best for him in the long run!

Today capped off TAW week and it was a great morning. We brought the class Krispie Kreme..their second day of donuts for the week! (Thanks Ms. Jayden for Wed. donuts)
Mrs. Adams got to open her gifts from the class and they were very excited to show off thier work!

Movie Night basket with some treats & Target gift card
This was the kids big project. The theme this year was "Teachers Are Heros".
Each student drew a picture of why Mrs. Adams was a hero to them.
I made a cover and put them in a book for her to keep.
Here are a few of the students pictures (they are all so cute).

And finally I made this shadow box for her to keep in her classroom. I saw this idea on a blog and loved it! It turned out to be a little more difficult than I anticipated but in the end it was pretty cute!
(I promise I cleaned the glass before the kids gave it to her!)
It was a great week and we feel blessed that Kaleb has had such a wonderful class this year. It has been great being the home room mom and getting to know all these wonderful kids.
Thank to all the other parents who helped with TAW and throughout the year!
Now the countdown to summer begins!