It's been a long busy summer but we had a blast!
We got to spend a lot of time with Kaleb and filled the summer with lots of fun activities.
We took full advantage of swimming, parks, and story times.
Kaleb has now started Kindergarten.
I can't believe he has gotten so big. His teacher seems nice and we are hoping this is a great year for him.
He is the youngest, tallest, and by far the loudest in his class.
He'll certainly leave an impression on his class!
First Day of school!
Kaleb turned five last Friday and we celebrated with family and friends.
It was Transformer themed and as usual Kaleb cleaned up. He has such generous friends and family who truly love and care for him.
Thanks Nana for letting us celebrate at your home!
Another exciting part of the summer was the birth of Riley! Here is the happy family!
We are so lucky to have this family in our life and to have an adorable sweet godchild!
I know Erin will raise that boy a good Catholic :)
Kenny starts school in a couple of weeks and we're praying for another successful semester.
These classes will be tough but luckily he is a smart guy!
Looking forward to a fun fall and I'll try to post more than I have over the summer!